- 复苏仍然将是脆弱而缓慢的。
- The recovery will still be fragile and sluggish .
- 采取行动比坐在那目光呆滞或者行动迟缓就是好很多。
- It simply feels better to take action than sitting around navel-gazing and getting sluggish .
- 复苏仍旧迟缓,但是比较起其他经济体来说已经很不错了。
- The recovery remains sluggish , but compares well with those of other economies .
- 然而,即使一些人认为这些被指控的人的确太过粗心大意,但他们可能还是会反对法庭对他们处以如此严厉的惩罚。
- Nonetheless , even those who think the accused were negligent may object to the severity of their punishment .
- 政府对此类项目的细节进行考量是明智的:这样就不会疏忽大意。
- The government is right to be thinking about the details of any such programme of work : it would be negligent not to .
- 要论政府是否腐败邪恶或是疏忽无能,将其暴露在阳光下是再好不过的方式。
- Or that , whether governments are corrupt and malign or merely negligent and incompetent , then sunlight is often the best disinfectant .
- 他对什么事都没兴趣。
- He is indolent about everything .
- 懒洋洋的或笨拙的翻滚。
- An indolent or clumsy rolling about .
- 她的屋里全是些懒鬼。
- Her house is full of indolent cats .