- 俄罗斯最时尚的歌曲的骨子里也还是他们固有的气质,浑厚而忧伤。
- Even for the most fashionable russian songs , their inner bones still retain their inherent characters : simple and honest , but distressed .
- 他说,把一切处理得非常简单明了:诚实的面对自己。
- He said keep everything very simple and straightforward : be honest to yourself .
- 这样一个简单的回答并没有解释我们为什么不能就钱的问题开诚布公地交谈,而是一方辅以侮辱来胁迫我接受更低的工资。
- Such a simple answer doesn 't explain why we couldn 't have had an honest conversation about money , rather than one coupled with insults and constructed to intimidate me in to accepting less .
- 我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。
- Ch I bought last year has got a lovely garden .
- 老师将教我们如何冲洗。
- Ch us how to develop photographs .
- 我感觉我有很多想表达的东西。
- I just feelike I have so ch to say .
- 这里没有必要把n作为参数传给count。
- There is no need to pass n as an argument to count .
- 设想一次酒会有n个人。
- Imagine a party has n people .
- 患者有治疗诱发的躁狂(n=46)
- Those who had treatment-emergent mania ( n = 46 ) .