- 她犹豫不决,向四周凝视。
- She is irresolute and gazed around .
- 优柔寡断的人不会成为好领袖。
- Irresolute persons make poor leaders .
- 优柔寡断的人不会成为胜利者。
- Irresolute persons make poor victors .
- 千万不要让你自己变得犹豫不决,特别是如果你正试图处理新的数据来源时。
- Don 't let yourself become indecisive , especially if you 're trying to process new data sources .
- 它仅仅代表你优柔寡断,让别人来给你做决定。
- It merely means you 're indecisive and let others make decisions for you .
- 你如果优柔寡断就不可能完成一个高水准的任务。
- And you don 't become a double-0 by being an indecisive namby-pamby .
- 还有什么比这更愚蠢?
- What could be more stupid ?
- 他不是个愚蠢人,但他似乎在电视上装出愚蠢的样子。
- He isn 't a stupid man - but he seems to play one on tv .
- 里根显然是愚蠢的,且经常表现出惊人的无知但历史证明他是正确的。
- Reagan was apparently stupid and often startlingly ignorant but he was vindicated by history .
- 理查德池的团队说,抑制左前颞叶的活动可以减少周边信息的干扰影响,降低视觉记忆的错误率。
- Chi 's team says inhibiting activity in the left atl reduces the confusing influence of context , cutting down on visual memory errors .
- 我们再次随着池先生出发,这次是游览秦陵,在几公里以外。
- We once again headed off with mr. chi , this time to visit the tomb of qin shi huang , a few kilometers away .
- 这是一个很好笑的情形,虽然池先生说,政府为他的工作提供了日常津贴并给他分配了房子;但是显然,他不满于自己作为公众人物的角色。
- It was a comical situation ; he 's clearly unhappy with his celebrity role , though mr. chi said he was given a house and receives regular payments from the government for his duties .
- 新鲜的芝麻菜叶也含有很多的维他命c。
- Fresh rocket leaves contain good levels of vitamin c .
- 维他命c还能帮助你从食物中吸收更多的营养。
- Vitamin c also helps you absorb more nutrients from food .
- 许多人高估了维c和其它抗氧化剂的好处。
- Many people overestimate the benefits of vitamin c and other antioxidants .