- 你没有平衡和操纵知觉的线索。
- You take away the perceptual cues that allow you to balance and manoeuvre .
- 但是我们知道如何“掩盖”这些扫视时间,知道如何用这扫视之前和之后所感知的信息来填补这段简短的盲区。
- But we have learned to " mask " the saccade , to fill in this brief period of blindness with perceptual information from before and after it .
- 如果大脑正格外关注高频率,那部分一定有些可感知的信息。
- If the brain is paying that much attention to high frequencies , there must be some kind of perceptual information there .
- 我的另一本书《个人研经方法》,可以教你如何作归纳性的研读。
- My book personal bible study methods can show you how to do inductive studies .
- 培根认为,需要的是一种新的整理和组织数据的方法,这样才能帮助人们形成归纳性的假设。
- What was needed , insisted bacon , was a new way of collating and organising data that would help generate inductive hypotheses .
- 他们试过各种化学电池和感应充电方法,甚至用了可将放射性衰变产生的热能转化为电能的钚能量电池。
- A variety of chemical batteries have been tried , as well as inductive recharging schemes and even plutonium power cells that convert the heat from radioactive decay into electricity .