- 但眼下这些市场...更加诱人。”
- But these markets are so much more ...
- 我们需要尝试更多的东西。
- We need to try more stuff .
- 还会出现更多的民众骚乱。
- There will be more civil unrest .
- 美国权力面临的竞争日益激烈。
- Us power is increasingly contested .
- 中巴之间的联系变得日益重要。
- The china-brazil connection is increasingly vital .
- 然而事实证明这项任务愈加艰巨。
- Yet this task is proving increasingly difficult .
- 我母亲慢慢地完全康复了。
- My mother went on to recover fully .
- 感染这些传染病许多人都能充分康复。
- Most people who get these diseases recover fully .
- 我留在此地,希望这动物会康复。
- Hoping the animal would recover , I stayed .
- 我已经迷失了自己。
- I have lost my self .
- 下面就请你自己看看吧。
- Look and see for your self .
- 更高的自我就是你!
- The higher self is you !