- 我会第一个站住来,谴责商贩他们为卑鄙影响的宣扬者,爱管闲事的无耻之徒,在发着抖地不民主骗子。
- I 'd be first in line to denounce them as squalid influence peddlers , shamelessly meddlesome , shiveringly undemocratic tricksters .
- 谈到未来时,一些怀疑者质疑是否爱管闲事的韩国银行有能力阻止日元的贬值进程。
- As for the future , some sceptics doubt that the meddlesome bank of korea ( bok ) will be able to refrain from cheapening the won .
- 他们期望能被看作成为解放者,但是拜占庭人只是将十字军看成是一帮爱管闲事的外国人。
- They had expected to be greeted as liberators , but the byzantines saw the crusaders as meddlesome foreigners .