- 那些老字号的公司可能依然不认同这种说法,但是越来越多的年轻公司认为顾客、爱好者和业余人士(或者是像范亚伯所说的黑客和设计师)这个群体比任何公司自己都更有创新能力是理所当然的。
- Established companies may still resist that argument , but more and more upstarts take it for granted that a community of customers , hobbyists and amateurs ( or , as van abel prefers , hackers and artists ) will innovate well beyond what any firm can come up with on its own .
- 通常被接受的,女性气质的做法,认为在对男人具吸引力上附加有地位和权力是理所当然的。
- Commonly accepted practices of femininity take it for granted that there is status and power attached to being attractive to men .
- 他从来没有公开撒谎,不过那些被他硬拉住听他宣讲他的独到哲学和批评观、听他发牢骚的人显然都想当然地以为在夸夸其谈的言辞后面立着一大堆大部头著作。
- Though he has never overtly lied about this fact , nevertheless it is obvious that the people whom he buttonholes in order to air his private philosophy , his criticism , and his grievances , take it for granted that behind his loose remarks there stands a solid body of work .