- 惯性导致了三分之二的婚姻。
- Inertia accounts for two-thirds of marriages .
- 惰性是你最可怕的敌人。
- Inertia is your worst enemy .
- 然而,谨慎不能成为惯性。
- Yet caution cannot be inertia .
- 公众必定会注意到灾后当局迟缓的行动和民间为自救所作出的大胆努力间产生的巨大对比。
- The public cannot fail to notice the contrast between official sluggishness and the emboldened efforts of people doing things for each other .
- 其一是人口的老龄化将不可避免地造成经济停滞。
- One is that the greying of the population will inevitably produce economic sluggishness .
- 这种停滞普遍地认为2007年至2008年将会成为金融危机爆发后的后遗症。
- This sluggishness is generally perceived to be a hangover from the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 .
- 他对什么事都没兴趣。
- He is indolent about everything .
- 懒洋洋的或笨拙的翻滚。
- An indolent or clumsy rolling about .
- 她的屋里全是些懒鬼。
- Her house is full of indolent cats .
- 懒惰并不会阻止你抬起屁股。
- Laziness doesn 't keep you from goya .
- 懒惰会让你受到什么损失呢?
- How has laziness cost you money ?
- 因此,他的例子并不是鼓励懒惰或者冷漠。
- So , his example does not encourage laziness or apathy .