- 现今的年轻人如何从中获益?
- How will today 's young people benefit ?
- 亚洲公司将获益最多。
- Asian firms will benefit most .
- 两国都得益于自由贸易。
- Both would benefit from free trade .
- 建筑企业更青睐年轻单身男性。
- Construction firms favour young single men .
- 连股东们也似乎支持苏格兰皇家银行。
- Even shareholders seemed to favour rbs .
- 使船只更环保的压力也将有利于欧洲造船业。
- Pressure to make ships greener will also favour european shipyards .
- 郭台铭展示了他极端严厉和仁慈的个性。
- Gou exhibits severity and kindness in the extreme .
- 我感到惭愧的是对他的好意我从未表示过感谢。
- Eg. to my shame I never thanked him for his kindness .
- 感谢有这么多东西,可这太多的好意让我们无力承接。
- Thanks do much , but all this excess of kindness could kill us .
- 非洲需要林业的慷慨措施。
- Africa wants generous provisions for forestry .
- 领先银行的经理人挥舞着慷慨的薪酬激励方案,鼓励员工冒险。
- Wielding generous compensation incentives , managers of leading banks encouraged employees to take big risks .
- 他们的流动资金获得了支持,来自更慷慨的担保规则的中央银行。
- Their liquidity is supported by more generous collateral rules at central banks .
- 我们能给予他们什么?
- What should we give them ?
- 我来给出两个简短的原因。
- I 'll give you two quick reasons .
- 为什么给人们派发碘片?
- Why give people iodine tablets ?