- 生怕任何一个不小心把这情感的瓷器给弄碎。
- For fear that any was not careful that for pulverizes this emotion 's chinaware .
- 当被问及细节,英国说为防止泄露他们将不会发表论文,纵然德国和法国在表现他们目标时都不感羞怯。
- When asked for details , the british said they would not circulate a paper for fear that it would leak , even though germany and france were none too shy about their aims .
- 来自意大利南部的乘客也许会推开供飞行饮用的苹果汁,因为害怕它会引发皮疹和胃痛,而这是令意大利北部同胞困惑的一种反应。
- A passenger from the south of italy might have pushed the in-flight apple juice to one side for fear that it might trigger a skin rash and stomach pains , a reaction that would puzzle a compatriot from northern italy .
- 有些日子我不想干活,但又必须干,唯恐银行经理打电话给我。
- On days I don 't want to work , I have to , lest the bank manager calls .
- 男性主管可以成为年轻小伙子的良师,却不愿与年轻女性走得太近,唯恐别人误会他们的关系。
- Male directors mentor young men but are reluctant to get chummy with young women , lest the relationship be misconstrued .
- 此外也可以理解的是,尽管通胀指标表明通胀有抬头的趋势,但决策者一直对大幅上调利率非常谨慎,唯恐引发内在流动性的急剧逆转。
- It is also understandable that , notwithstanding inflation indicators , policymakers have been cautious about raising rates too far lest they trigger a sharp reversal in endogenous liquidity .