- 鉴于他太年轻了,这是可以原谅的。
- Seeing that he is so young , that is excusable .
- 考虑到具体情况,这将被看作是可以原谅的。
- It is to be regarded as excusable in the light of circumstances .
- 这些行为只能以时间和升级从来情有可原.
- These behaviors only escalate with time and are never excusable .
- 考虑到像美国这样发达国家的意见,谨慎是可以理解的。
- Given the weight of opinion in rich countries such as america , caution is understandable .
- 但如果力拓阵营的决心正逐渐减弱,也是完全可以理解的。
- But if resolve were weakening in the rio camp , it would be entirely understandable .
- 这是对于消费者和公司最完美的可理解的行为,但是这样的行为肯能会导致需求的瘫痪,输出的瘫痪,和我们正处在的深度萧条中。
- This is perfectly understandable behaviour on the part of consumers and firms-but behaviour which has led to a collapse of demand , a collapse of output and the deep recession we are now in .