- 比利时人不需要过分悲伤。
- Belgians need not feel too sad .
- 你要走了,我很难过.
- Eg. I 'm sad you 're leaving .
- 那些是沮丧和难过的?
- Which are gloomy or sad ?
- 我将所有的悲伤和心痛也体现在走路中。
- I gather all my sorrow and heartbreak into my walking .
- 但如何表达这种悲伤就是另一回事了。
- Yet expressing that sorrow is a different matter .
- 我很容易受到悲哀或悲伤的事情影响,也很容易受到喜悦和美的事物影响。
- I am very affected by any sorrow or sad thing , and I am very affected by joy and beauty .
- 舞蹈表达了一种悲伤和孤独。
- The dance expressed sadness and loneliness .
- 悲伤有时候几乎令人无法忍受。
- Sometimes the sadness is almost unendurable .
- 小孩会觉得有种缺失的悲伤感。
- And a child experiences loss and sadness .
- 他们的悲痛之源是谁?
- The source of their grief ?
- 她的悲痛早就无影无踪了。
- Her grief has long since disappeared .
- 她们恐惧悲痛,如癫似狂。
- They were frantic with fear and grief .