- 教官教官教官,我想你我想你我想你.
- Drillmaster drillmaster drillmaster , I love you I love you I love you . !
- 仅仅选择歌词,“你依旧得挤进你的紧身牛仔裤/但对我来说你完美无缺”,且是真正极出色的人,“你对自己的爱还不及我爱你一半多。”
- Choice lyrics include , " you still have to squeeze into your jeans / but you 're perfect to me , " and the real humdinger , " you 'll never love yourself half as much as I love you . "
- 你,如此的美丽性感,感慨如扬子江,甜蜜如糖,告诉我如何才能让你知道我爱你胜过生命,告诉我如何才能让你知道你就是我的生命。
- You , such a beautiful and zoftig girl , as general as the yangtze , as sweet as saccharide , tell me how can I tell you that I love you more than life , show me how can I show you that you are my life .