- 伴随着震耳欲聋的爆炸声,灼烧着的大火,缺胳膊少腿的尸体及其发出的恶臭,战争使得每个人处于崩溃边缘。
- With its deafening explosions , searing fires , dismembered corpses and stench of death , war pushes everyone it touches to the brink .
- 房间只比地板上肮脏的薄床垫大一点,蹲式厕所就在一堵矮墙后面,臭气从里面出来,在这个没有窗户的房间里挥之不去。
- The room is barely wider than the thin , dirty mattress that covers the floor . Behind a low concrete wall is a squat toilet , the stench from which has no escape in the windowless room .
- 国家海洋与大气治理署的莫顿说,绿藻被冲上岸边,随着腐烂分解,会释放甲烷与硫磺,致使海滩臭气熏天,比臭鸡蛋还臭。
- Algal blooms washed on shore can give off a stench of rotten eggs or worse , noaa 's morton said , caused by the release of methane and sulfur as the blooms decompose .
- 这盘菜结果很完美,但是我在不知不觉中幸运地避免了产生臭鸡蛋气味。
- The dish turned out fine , but I had unknowingly and luckily avoided producing a rotten egg stink .
- 当然了,经济仍会臭烂不堪,但我们深陷其中的螺旋式沉沦将终止。
- Of course , the economy would still stink , but the death spiral we are in would end .
- 臭弹和污水沟散发出的那种气味真是再熟悉不过了,但新的研究表明恶臭未必全是坏事。
- The odour may be horribly familiar from stink bombs and sewage , but new research suggests the foul fumes might not be all bad .
- 受污染水体的臭气;
- The fetor of polluted waters ;