- 象他这种可恶的傲慢,对他自己有什么好处?
- Can such abominable pride as his , have ever done him good ?
- 这么恶劣的天气我不能出去。
- I can 't go out in this abominable wether .
- 黑社会组织给韩国的民生和治安带来了恶劣的影响。
- Gangdom organization brought abominable influence to the people 's livelihood of korea and public security .
- 我并不是故意要选择naturenetwork做为反例。
- I don 't mean to pick on nature network .
- 这一切意味着什么?
- What does this all mean ?
- 没有哪家公司的表现能够无限期地超出平均水平。
- No company can outperform the mean indefinitely .
- 这里肮脏、臭气熏天、令人恶心。
- It 's dirty , smelly and disgusting .
- 或者在他们看你的时候假装一些令人恶心的习惯。
- Or develop some disgusting habits when they 're certainly looking .
- 案件的部分法律文件里包含有费解的人体解剖术语,想必其中暗藏了某种令人作呕的意淫心理。
- Certainly there is something disgusting in the giddily anatomical idiom of some of these court filings .
- 但种族自大者和歇斯底里的民族主义者是这个最令人讨厌的体系的掌权者,这一点,美国人和欧洲人有理由谨记。
- But race arrogance and nationalist hysteria are powerful cements for the most odious systems , as europeans and americans have good reason to remember .
- 鉴于俄罗斯政府令人可憎的一些地方,这绝非完全不公正,但这需要具体解释。
- This is by no means wholly unjustified , given some of the odious aspects of the russian state , but it needs to be qualified .
- 在这些地方,当局可憎的阵容,几十年来就一直没有发生过变化,但这,也没有引发反对它们的群众的起义。
- The odious cast of the regimes in place has persisted unaltered for decades , without triggering mass revolts against them .