- 我曾被告知,班亚是黑帮分子聚会之地,但这里唯一的暴力事情便是心满意足地打鼾。
- I had been told that thebanyawas where gangsters came to party but the only violent thing here was some contented snoring .
- 美国是否会同英国一样走上同样是心满意足的(是的,大部分时间如此),并拥有相当强的实力地位的道路呢?
- Could the united states go down the same track toward contented ( well , most of the time ) , pretty-good-power status ?
- 多数人会说,按照自己的意愿生活、做自己喜欢的事情,所得到的好处要胜过上述种种不利,并且会让人们对生活更有满足感。
- Most would say that the compensations of living life on your own terms , and doing what you love , outweigh the downsides , and make for a more contented existence .