- 亲爱的上帝---请恢复服务!
- Dear god please restore service !
- 普京保证让俄罗斯恢复自身的角色。
- Putin promised to restore that role .
- 这种药物甚至还可以修复因精神压力而受到损伤的脑连接(brain-connections)。
- The drug was even shown to restore brain-connections damaged by stress .
- 我母亲慢慢地完全康复了。
- My mother went on to recover fully .
- 感染这些传染病许多人都能充分康复。
- Most people who get these diseases recover fully .
- 我留在此地,希望这动物会康复。
- Hoping the animal would recover , I stayed .
- 消费增长不大可能很快恢复。
- Spending growth is unlikely to resume soon .
- 该公司股票至今尚未恢复交易。
- The shares have yet to resume trading .
- 她希望明年能够恢复巡回演唱会。
- She hopes to resume touring next year .
- 下面的五种方法帮你取回你的时间。
- 5 Ways to regain control of your time
- 1932年后,美国股市花了26年时间,才收复实值意义上的顶峰。
- After 1932 , it took 26 years to regain the peak in real terms .
- 取而代之的是他们希望通过削减工资和提高效率来恢复竞争力。
- Instead , they hope to regain competitiveness through wage cuts and greater efficiency .