- 岛民曾被迫在这具遗体旁制做棺材,因为这位无名水兵在救生艇里时间太长了,他死时身体扭曲得不成样子,所以棺材的长宽几乎一样。
- The islanders had been forced to build the coffin around the body , because the unknown sailor had been in his raft so long he 'd died contorted into a strange shape . This coffin was almost as wide as it was long .
- 天空上,点缀着一个奇怪的形状,象黑夜里,从很深的伤口喷涌而出的鲜血:一个巨大的红色彗星,自北向南划过天空。
- Across the sky a strange shape was painted , like a deep wound that spurted blood against the nightblack : a great , red comet , streaming across the sky from north to south .