- 一个被性的选择选中的特征就是它往往有很大的差别。
- One characteristic of a sexually selected trait is that it varies a lot .
- 不过有关这种特点的进化仍然存在着问题。
- But questions still remain concerning the evolution of this trait .
- 寻求新挑战的欲望是一个值得赞美的人性特点。
- The desire to find new challenges is an admirable human trait .
- 这种行为是很常见的。
- This behavior is very common .
- 去工作就是她的逃避行为。
- Work is her avoidance behavior .
- 什么样的举止能令你对老板肃然起敬?
- What types of behavior do you admire in a boss ?
- 这会影响你的行为么?
- Would that change your behaviour ?
- 住在海边可以使得我们有两种不同的表现。
- Living by the sea inspires two different sorts of behaviour .
- 但8年之后因为表现良好他被释放。
- He was released after just eight , for good behaviour .
- 哪个人物让你感同身受的感觉?
- Which character did you identify with ?
- 你的角色要做什么?
- What does your character do ?
- 你的角色如何表演?
- How does your character act ?
- 公益有两个界定性质:非排他性和非竞争性。
- Public goods have two defining characteristics : nonexcludability and non-rivalry .
- 这些并购有两个特征。
- These deals share two characteristics .
- 测量一个处于纠缠态的粒子的性质会改变它的同伴的属性。
- Measuring the properties of one entangled particle will change its twin 's characteristics .