- 我开始思考诚实这件事。
- I started thinking about honesty .
- 然而这总是一厢情愿的想法。
- This was always wishful thinking .
- 这种想法很傻很天真。
- This sort of thinking is nave .
- 他认为我是在开玩笑。
- He thought I was joking .
- 以下是我的一点点思考。
- Here is my small thought .
- 他撅起嘴想了一会儿。
- He purses his lips in thought .
- 投机因素似乎还没有那么重要。
- Speculation seems not to be that important .
- 至于他们消失的原因有好多种推测。
- There is widespread speculation about what caused their disappearance .
- 当然,如此这般的推测是十分可笑的。
- Such speculation is utterly ludicrous , of course .