- 这是让经济学家感到遗憾的又一个理由。
- This is one more reason to pity economists .
- 生活是很短暂的,不要老是怜悯。
- Life is too short for long pity parties .
- 因失败而感受到的震骇和怜悯仍然能引起共鸣。
- The shock and pity of failure still resonates .
- 爱是许多不同的东西。
- Love is many different things .
- 爱是许多美好的事情。
- Love is many wonderful things .
- 爱情是火堆上的友情。
- Love is friendship on fire .
- 谁能不同情这样一个可怜的小男孩呢?
- Who couldn 't sympathize with such a sad little child ?
- 人们不得不同情起这些运动员。
- One has to sympathize with the athletes .
- 有许多人也许会赞同甚至宽恕我的欺骗行为。
- Many people might sympathize with and even condone my deception .