- 你可以下拉并拖动创建的快捷方式到其他地方。
- You can drop and drag the shortcut to other locations .
- 要想拥有一副强健的体魄没有捷径可走。
- There is no shortcut to having a healthy body .
- 你可以称之为是穿过黑森林的一条捷径。
- You could call it a shortcut through very dark woods .
- 但总统正面临着在阿富汗撤军太快的风险。
- But the president risks running down american forces in afghanistan too fast .
- 市政府官员说他们在以最快的速度行动。
- City officials say they are moving as fast as they can .
- 还有一个例子与大脑另外一个发育过快的部分有关。
- Another example relates to the other part of the brain that grows too fast .
- 印度经济似乎不可能快速回升。
- A quick bounce back looks unlikely .
- 一种简便快速的种植术吧。
- A quick and easy display of greenery .
- 不幸的是,没有快速生效的方法。
- Sadly , no quick fix is available .