- 那个上海的设计师雷,最后只购买了购物单上的枕头,花了118元(合18美元),因为其他折扣并没有她所希望的那么吸引人。
- Lei , the shanghai designer , wound up buying only the pillow from her shopping list for 118 yuan ( $ 18 ) because other discounts weren 't as big as she hoped .
- 老雷说他很高兴,过去几十年里国家农业税不断减少,物价适度上涨对生活影响也不算大,稍有担心的是虽说基本医疗有保障了,可万一有个大病大伤啥的,个人要承担的部分还是不富裕啊。
- Mr lei declares himself pleased with the past decade 's reduction in rural taxation ; not too bothered by moderately rising prices of goods ; and somewhat concerned that , although his basic health care is adequate , his coverage would not suffice if he were to suffer a severe illness or injury .
- 雷以无私为他的同志服务而闻名。
- Lei was known for selfless service to his comrades .