- 你可能以为我是只黑心袜。
- You may think I 'm a hardhearted black sock .
- 也许努力的路很长,他没有忍心要你等他。
- Probably the path for striving too long , he is not hardhearted enough to ask you to wait for him .
- 医术已经变成非人性化的了,某些甚至可以说是“铁石心肠”的了。
- Medical care has become depersonalized , some would even say " hardhearted " .
- 这时候其他的学生(那位石头般的孩子总是例外)都聚集在一起。
- By this time the other pupils ( always excepting the stony boy ) gathered round .
- 这里的地面多石。
- The ground here is stony .
- 而石溪城中村里头有近20家水果档,有3家在卖有蛆的小金橘。
- Stony brook village and there are nearly 20 stalls of fruit , 3 to sell a maggot in a small kumquat .