- 同时,德黑兰方面的核野心仍未受到遏制。
- Meanwhile , tehran 's nuclear ambitions remain unchecked .
- 巴希尔周末期间在德黑兰参加了一个反恐会议。
- Mr. bashir over the weekend attended an antiterrorism conference in tehran .
- 这种压力正在加大外界关于德黑兰方面可能会妥协的预期。
- That pressure is raising expectations that tehran might compromise .
- 那是你的文具盒,简。
- And thr is your pencil case jane .
- 日粮苏氨酸水平对肉鸡(42-56d)生长表现的影响。
- Effects of dietary thr levels on performance in broilers .
- 什么时候马路变成赛车场了?
- Thr road has changed to a car racing ring ?
- 美国和伊朗必须谈判。
- America and iran must talk .
- 伊朗自称是神权政治国家。
- Iran is a self-proclaimed theocracy .
- 伊朗是一个典型的例子。
- Iran is a prime example .