- 霍普说,“21世纪的囚犯在高温天气被运送到很远的地方去,尤其这名囚犯还没有被定罪,真是丢脸。”
- " It is a disgrace that a prisoner in the 21st century , particularly a prisoner who has not been convicted of any crime , was transported for a long distance in high temperatures , " hope said .
- 以反诘把读者说成是反英雄,恬不知耻的享乐主义者,某一先入主题或无意识的囚徒,或随心所欲的意义发明家。
- So as to challenge those that make the reader an anti-hero , a fall guy , an unabashed hedonist , a prisoner of an identity theme or of an unconscious , or a willful inventor of meanings .
- 四五年来,除了狱卒以外,他再没有听到过别人讲话,而在一个犯人看来,狱卒不能算是个人,他是橡木门以外的一扇活的门,铁栅栏以外的一道血和肉的障碍物。
- Edmond had not heard any one speak save his jailer for four or five years ; and a jailer is no man to a prisoner -- he is a living door , a barrier of flesh and blood adding strength to restraints of oak and iron .