- 目前的外骨骼技术,行走速度慢、价格昂贵,计算机控制的液压装置只能让瘫痪病人体验行走的益处。
- At present , the exoskeleton can only walk slowly , and the expensive , computer-controlled hydraulic machines is used to deliver the health benefits of walking to paralysed patients .
- 汉瑟和葛丽特慢慢地走。
- Hansel and gretel walk slowly .
- 如果你真的邂逅外星人,要微笑着,伸出你的手,手掌朝上,缓缓地向他们走去。
- If you do encounter an extraterrestrial , smile , put out your hands with upturned palms and walk slowly towards them .