- 在旅行之始,如月亮在“燃烧之路”,或浮游,其人要么在旅途中生病,要么有令人讨厌的麻烦和干扰。
- When the moon shall be in the combust way , or peregrine , in the beginning of a journey , the person will either fall sick in his journey , or shall be otherwise grievously troubled and molested .
- 小说暗示着犹太传统故事中赎罪的希望:朝着乐土前进的旅程,救世主的降临继而上帝和他子民间盟约得到复兴。
- The novel alludes to the hopes for redemption in the stories of the jewish tradition : the journey into the promised land , the coming of the messiah , the renewal of the covenant between god and his chosen people .
- 她的旅程代表着我们所有人从泥泞中爬出来的历程--这种泥泞阻碍我们简单而自然地做我们自己。
- Her journey represents the journey of all of us , to get rid of the gunk that prevents us from being , simply , naturally , ourselves .
- ZT型铁路客票制票机的研制和应用
- The Development and Application for ZT type Passenger Ticket Printer
- 柑橘授粉处理和单性结实子房(幼果)内源IAA、ABA和ZT含量的变化
- Changes of Endogenous IAA , aba and ZT in pollinated , non-pollinated and parthenocarpic ovary ( fruitlet ) of Citrus
- 柑桔授粉处理和单性结实子房(幼果)内源IAA、ABA和ZT含量的变化
- Changes of Endogenous IAA , ABA and ZT in Pollinated , Non-pollinated and Parthenocarpic Ovary ( Fruitlet ) of Citrus
- 他的部落不要战争,因为他们知道打仗不好。
- His nation would not go on the warpath , because they did not think it well .
- 印度储备银行(rbi)非常恼怒。
- The reserve bank of india ( rbi ) is on the warpath .
- 警务处长大发雷霆,因为嫌疑犯尚未找到。
- The police commissioner is on the warpath because the suspect hasn 't been found .