- 转型之旅才刚刚起步。
- The journey has only just begun .
- 这趟旅行非去不可吗?
- Is your journey really necessary ?
- 这是一个奇妙的旅程。
- It 's just an amazing journey .
- 次年3月又是如此。
- And again the following march .
- 但当地村民似乎对游行活动表示淡定。
- Locals seemed relatively relaxed about the march .
- 三月份制造业订单有所下降。
- Manufacturing orders fell in march .
- 但我从哪里着手呢?
- But where do I begin ?
- 这样的工作方式才能帮助美国领导人更加自信地着手进行战略转变。
- This approach can help leadership more confidently begin its strategy shift .
- 针对特定的问题,我们可以开始着手合适的解决方案。
- Focus on the specific problem and we can begin on a proper solution .