- 目前的外骨骼技术,行走速度慢、价格昂贵,计算机控制的液压装置只能让瘫痪病人体验行走的益处。
- At present , the exoskeleton can only walk slowly , and the expensive , computer-controlled hydraulic machines is used to deliver the health benefits of walking to paralysed patients .
- 这甚至间接地暗示:想到老年的意象会使人们走路速度放缓尽管他们自己从没有老年的感觉,这些结论稍后将后发布。
- Even obliquely suggesting the concept of old age will inspire people to walk more slowly-though feeling elderly never crossed their mind , they will later report .
- 他慢慢地走在过道上,一次次地开始解开他的衬衣的扣子。
- He starts to walk slowly up the aisle , unbuttoning his shirt one button
- 那个英国女孩是不是太急了点?
- Is that english chit not a bit fussy ?
- 母亲必须有保健工作人员写的短笺,才能为她的婴儿获得脱脂牛乳。
- A mother must have a chit from a health worker to get skimmed milk for her baby .
- 清纯动人的青岛黄毛丫头小尝性感。
- Pure moving clear qingdao chit of a girl tastes sex appeal for a short time .