- 我的录像对于它的深刻理解。
- My video gives insights into that .
- 在线播放高清视频呢?
- Streaming hd video for all ?
- 最好开一个视频博客。
- Better start a video blog .
- 陈述和肖像一起构成了一位思想家的独有影像。
- Statement and portrait together form a single image of a thinker .
- 她的画像已取代加拿大绘画在渥太华外交事务大楼的大厅的位置。
- Her portrait has replaced canadian paintings in the lobby of the foreign-affairs building in ottawa .
- 这是一幅当今英国所有奇妙事物和多元文化差异的组合画像。
- It 's a composite portrait of the uk now in all its wonderful , multicultural difference .
- 它的大小和轮廓显示了它的身份,这并不是一艘货轮,而是一艘邮轮。
- It suggested , in size and silhouette , a cruise liner more than a cargo vessel .
- 但你可能在苹果的舞蹈剪影广告中认不出他来。
- But you might not recognize him here , in apple 's dancing silhouette commercial .
- 这张黑色剪影画是卡西尼飞船于2010年2月13日拍摄的土星影像。
- This silhouette of saturn was taken by the cassini spacecraft on feb. 13 , 2010 .
- 把它们去除以后,那带着镣铐的几个小时的时光,依然像幽灵一样缠绕着我。
- I could still feel the phantom shackles hours after they 'd been removed .
- 他躺在那里,在柏油路上呻吟;一个差点被幽灵杀死的男人。
- He lay there , moaning on the asphalt ; a man almost killed by a phantom .
- 谷歌和为其提供地图数据的公司无法解释幽灵小镇的存在,并正展开调查。
- Google and the company that supplies its mapping data are unable to explain the presence of the phantom town and are investigating .