- 新一届日本首相野田佳彦坦言自己并非魅力先生他将自己比作水底的泥鳅而不是闪闪发光的金鱼。
- Japan 's new prime minister admits he is no mr charisma - yoshihiko noda likens himself to a marine bottom-feeder rather than a glittering goldfish .
- 所以财务大臣野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)和主张干预的一帮人,请鞠躬致谢吧!
- So , finance minister yoshihiko noda and your merry band of interventionists : take a bow !
- 在活动过程中,日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)打电话到他的手机上向他表示祝贺。
- In the middle of the event , prime minister yoshihiko noda called his cell phone to congratulate him .
- 切记,阴和阳,好和坏,对和错!
- Remember , yin and yang , good and bad , right and wrong !
- 如果我们继续把害羞跟疾病混为一谈,我们也许就会发现自己处在一个全部都是巡游者没有定坐者的世界,只有阳没有阴。
- If we continue to confuse shyness with sickness we may find ourselves in a world of all rovers and no sitters of all yang and no yin .
- 为制作小珠,殷博士和他的同事们把氧化铁粒子放入树脂液体进行搅拌,然后再油料中进行分离。
- To make their spheres dr yin and his colleagues stir iron-oxide particles into a liquid polymer resin , which is then dispersed in oil .