- 研究人员通过观察发现,病人r的行为与交流通常反映出深度与自我洞察力。
- The researchers observed that patient r 's behaviors and communication often reflected depth and self-insight .
- 虽然听起来让人感觉很难完成的任务,实际上计算出p/r比率并不很难。
- Though it may sound intimidating , figuring a p / r ratio isn 't too tough .
- r是用于数据处理,统计计算,绘制图表的扩展性很高的开源语言和环境。
- R is a highly extensible , open source language and environment for data handling , statistical computing and graphical techniques .
- 同时当地教区教士指称该游戏的开发者未遵循相关规定,该游戏发布数小时后就被从该党的官方网站移除。
- The game was removed from the party 's website hours after its launch , with the pp saying the developer did not follow instructions properly .
- 最近一个民意测验显示人民党领先的优势减少到了7个百分点。
- One recent poll showed that the socialists had cut the pp 's lead to seven percentage points .
- 他大幅削减了开支,并且有违pp党原则地增加了税赋。
- He has slashed spending and , against the pp 's principles , raised taxes .