- 那些关着我们的形状的线?
- The shape that shuts us in ?
- 也有助于保持蔬菜的形状。
- It also helps preserve their shape .
- 索托马约尔将如何影响最高法院的形态目前还难以辨认。
- How ms sotomayor will shape the court is hard to discern .
- 这可以解释泡沫如何形成。
- That explains why bubbles can form .
- 欧元区能否以当前形态继续存在?
- Will the eurozone survive in its current form ?
- 这问题以新的方式出现了。
- The problem has assumed a new form .
- 所有人都踩在他身上.
- All step on his body .
- 我的躯体和耶稣的联系在一起。
- Jesus bought my body on the cross .
- 你将拥有一个躯体。
- You will receive a body .
- 数据之间的实体通信在物理上是分布式的。
- This establishes entity correspondence between data that is physically distributed .
- 克莱斯勒还说,公司能够继续作为一个独立实体而存在。
- Chrysler has also said it can continue as an independent entity .
- 而像facebook、twitter这种的竞争对手却将网络看作一个以人为本的实体。
- Competitors like facebook and twitter see the web as a people-based entity .
- 看信贷是多么便宜啊!
- Look how cheap it is !
- 看啊--奥巴马指甲油!
- Look -- obama nail polish !
- 成功到底是什么样子的?
- What does success look like ?
- 有什么可以与它相比?
- To what can this compare ?
- 你不要将你的配偶与他人相比。
- You don 't compare your partner to others .
- 然后进行比较和对比.
- Then compare and contrast them .
- 与此形成对照的是,比利时却未能理得清楚。
- By contrast belgium has muddled through .
- 应该如何解读这尖锐的对比?
- What explains this stark contrast ?
- 人们认为,这种同情与汽车制造商受到的苛刻待遇形成对照。
- This sympathy is perceived to contrast with the harsh treatment of carmakers .
- 扬斯敦的问题已得到多方面的。
- Youngstown 's problems have been manifold .
- 这些产品的范围和生产方式都不太常见:可以是一只排气歧管,可以是一只假肢,可以是一只机门铰链,也可以是一打鞋子;甚至整条裙子都可以被印刷出来。
- The range of those products was as unusual as the way they were made : an exhaust manifold ; an artificial leg ; an aircraft door-hinge ; dozens of shoes ; even entire dresses can be fashioned this way .
- 再者,俄罗斯是个衰微中的欧洲强国,由于它自身存在多重不安全感,这就给了美国可资选择的机会。
- Moreover , moscow , as a fading european power , presents the united states with options because of russia 's own manifold insecurities .