- 个中关键,就是要现在开始着手,用录音机或是摄像机来记录一切。
- The key is to start now , whether with a tape recorder or video camera .
- 在这些专利中,苹果提到一种系统,可能“包括一部带或不带数字录像机(或者个人录像机)的机顶盒。
- In these patents , apple refers to a system that could " include a set-top box with or without a digital video recorder ( dvr ) ( or , personal video recorder ( pvr ) .
- 他按要求的时间预先把录像机调好。
- He preset the video recorder at the desired time .
- dvr使用的普及,已促使广告商纷纷要求寻找新的方法来衡量收视率。
- The increase in dvr use has led to calls from advertisers for new ways of measuring television audiences .
- 高清硬盘录像机808钥匙扣迷你间谍相机内置2gb记忆体。
- High definition mini dvr 808 keychain spy camera with 2gb built-in memory .
- 4gb的梅塞德斯奔驰汽车遥控假钥匙间谍摄像机硬盘录像机。
- 4gb Fake mercedez benz car remote key fob spy camera dvr .
- 我的录像对于它的深刻理解。
- My video gives insights into that .
- 在线播放高清视频呢?
- Streaming hd video for all ?
- 最好开一个视频博客。
- Better start a video blog .