- 投资者认为有这种可能。
- Investors think it might be .
- 答案应该是肯定的。
- The answer must be yes .
- 总统可能是真诚的。
- The president may be sincere .
- 为什么他要生气呢?
- Why should he be angry ?
- 境外投资者应当注意此言。
- Foreign investors should take note .
- 我们必须抵制中央计划。
- We should reject central planning .
- 欧盟政策制定者面临的重要问题是:这种重组应该如何进行?
- The important question facing eu policymakers is : how ought this restructuring be conducted ?
- 成品通常美得令人叹为观止,印度应当能卖掉更多这样的纺织品才对。
- The finished product is often beautiful . India ought to sell more of them .
- 事实上,“应当”本身这一概念在进化理论上属于舶来品。
- In fact , the very idea of an " ought " is foreign to evolutionary theory .
- 产品筹集的资金被一家第三方私募公司投进了内陆省份河南的四家公司,其中包括一家典当行。
- Proceeds were invested by a third-party private-equity firm in four businesses in the inland province of henan , including a pawn shop .
- 除开他的马前卒梅德韦杰夫,他可以选择更有自由主义倾向的总理人选,例如正在寻求反对者支持的前财政部长亚历克斯库尔德林。
- And instead of mr medvedev , his pawn , he could choose as prime minister a relative liberaliser such as alexei kudrin , a former finance minister who has sought to engage the protesters .
- 资金投进了四家公司,分别是一家典当行,一家汽车销售公司,一家汽车服务公司和一家娱乐公司。
- The money was invested in four companies including a pawn shop , a car sales company , a car services company and an entertainment company .
- 这不是正当的挑战手段。
- This is not a proper challenge .
- 从这个单元里找出正确的单词。
- C. find the proper words in this unit .
- 任何新的框架都有赖于正确的执行。
- Any new framework hinges on proper enforcement .
- 避免用做家务当作一种惩罚。
- Avoid using chores as a punishment .
- 舌头像鸟儿一样自由。
- Our tongues free as birds .
- 部级机关如政党封地一般运作。
- Ministries are run as party fiefs .
- 投资者认为有这种可能。
- Investors think it might be .
- 答案应该是肯定的。
- The answer must be yes .
- 总统可能是真诚的。
- The president may be sincere .