- 穆罕默德西亚德巴雷在巴西的独裁统治持续了22年,此间的1976年努鲁德因法拉自我放逐,离开祖国索马里。
- Nuruddin farah went into self - imposed exile from his native somalia in 1976 , during the 22-year dictatorship of mohamed siad barre .
- 如此之众的人花费过多,或未能坚守自设预算的原因之一是:在这个现金用得越来越少的社会,花钱变得抽象了。
- Part of the reason so many people spend too much , or fail to stick to self-imposed budgets , is because parting with our money has become an abstraction in our increasingly cashless society .
- 市场解放的障碍主要来自国家,尽管欧盟的里斯本议程到2010年使欧洲成为“世界上最具动力和竞争力的知识经济体”的自愿措施能够减少国家干预。
- The obstacles to this liberalisation lie largely at national level , although the eu 's lisbon agenda-the self-imposed measures needed to make europe " the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world " by 2010-can help to chivvy governments along .