- 水务公司应当牢牢抓住这一机遇。
- Water companies should seize the opportunity .
- 我认为他们应该抓住这个机会。
- I think they should seize that opportunity .
- 但是,我们能够把握时机或者说我们能成功地以债务刺激消费恢复经济吗?
- But can we seize the moment or will the temptation to restore the economy with debt-fuelled consumerism prevail ?
- 在价格机制方面,包括对出口退税政策的把握问题。
- Price mechanism contains the grasp of export rebates policy .
- 举一个大部分人都能理解的定律做例供给和需求。
- Take one law that most people can grasp supply and demand .
- 我认为我们仅是在最近开始抓住了它相关的蕴含。
- I think we have all only begun to grasp its implications relatively recently .