- 国大党暴徒使用的是印度制造的武器和弹药。
- The congress party thugs are using indian made arms and ammunition .
- 格林斯潘自己也给了那些担心通胀人士一些弹药。
- Mr greenspan himself gave ammunition to the inflation worriers .
- 他们称在搜查中发现的弹药其实是警察自己埋下的。
- They say that ammunition found in some raids was planted by the police .
- 丘比特的箭药首先是你大脑的最原始部分中的一系列影响神经系统,被称为多巴胺的化学物质,这就是哺乳动物大脑。
- Cupid 's ammo is the first of a series of neurochemical impulses in a primitive part of your brain known as the limbic system -- or " mammalian brain . "
- 尽量表现得是个无关紧要的人,因为敌人的弹药可能不够了。
- Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo .
- 我还看到一箱弹药卡在树干之中。
- I saw the cover of an ammo can embedded in the trunk of one tree .
- 笔者因此最近让那个所谓的空墨盒又多使用了两个月后打印页才开始出现断纹。
- This correspondent recently squeezed an additional two months of life from a supposedly empty toner cartridge before the first streaks appeared on printed pages .
- 轴向引线保险丝盒设计标准。
- Axial lead cartridge fuses designed standard .
- 我们已经点燃了一些样机墨盒的代表电子,他们通过了射击测验,下一步就是找到资金来构建一个完整的原型。
- We 've fired some representative electronics in a mockup cartridge , and they withstood the launch . The next step is to find funding to build a full prototype .