- 但我们把努力的水滴看做是在滴入一个微小的点上时,滴入的或许不是海洋,而是一块石头上。
- But think of those same drops of effort dripping onto one tiny spot , perhaps not in the ocean but on a rock .
- 当corina出错或努力去辨认图片中的简单物体时,外科医生就可以判断是否已经碰到了重要的神经,就像贴“即时贴”一样,他们把这些区域用无菌的小纸片标识出来。
- When corina makes a mistake or struggles to identify a picture of some simple object , the doctors know they have hit upon a critical area , and they label the spot with a square of sterile paper , like a tiny post-it note .
- 科学家已经证实一种精密的x光射线技术可以显示骨骼结构中细微变化。
- Scientists have demonstrated a refined x-ray technique which can spot tiny variations in bone structures .