- 它独特的设计包括两个曲形交叠的桥面和两者间穿过的“x”型桥塔。
- It has unique design with two curved deck crossing each other through a tower with ' x ' form .
- 这种巨兽比远古乳齿象更为庞大,有着弯曲而不是直的长牙。
- These beasts were bigger than mastodons and and curved rather than straight tusks .
- 在经过将近一个晚上的曝光之后,天空的星星们看起来成了弯曲的白色条纹。
- In this long exposure that lasted most of the night , stars appear as curved white streaks .
- 现在当你弯曲香烟的时候,它就不会折断。
- So now when you bend a cigarette it won 't break .
- 臀部以下向前弯曲,使您的胳膊向双脚的方向伸展。
- Bend forward from your hips and stretch your arms toward your feet .
- 他摸着了自己的刀,但是他忘记了自己的手指根本不能弯曲。
- But he had forgotten that he could not bend his fingers .
- 当慢慢回到原位置时,手掌朝上,弯曲手臂,朝肩部方向运动哑铃。
- As you slowly return to the starting position , turn your palms toward the ceiling , flex your arms and curl the dumbbells in toward your shoulders .
- 长期以来,科学家们推测海浪是可以引起冰架的收缩和瓦解的,但这是研究者们第一次观测到海啸拥有着这样的效果。
- Scientists have long speculated that ocean waves could cause an ice shelf to flex and break , but this is the first time researchers have observed a tsunami having this effect .
- 当皮肤被小刀划破时,伤口相对平整光滑;被纸片割伤就不同了,此时的伤口呈略微弯曲状,对皮肤的微创也会更多一些。
- When a knife cuts your skin , it leaves a relatively clean cut compared to paper , which will flex a little and do more microscopic damage to the skin .
- 她能把独立人士吸引回来吗?
- Would she draw independents back ?
- 把你的想法画出来吧!
- Draw your thoughts of course !
- 它们会吸引别人的注意力并且经常没有机会用。
- They draw attention and often prove unnecessary .
- 任何有干预主义倾向的政策制定者都将被带上尖顶帽赶到角落里。
- Any policymaker with an interventionist bent would be banished to the corner , wearing a pointy hat .
- matthiaspliessnig设计的时尚长凳,由弯曲的白橡木制成。
- Stylish bench by matthias pliessnig is made from bent white oak .
- 在这个错觉中,虽然线条看起来是弯曲的,但实际上却是笔直的,并且实际上是平行的。
- In this illusion although the lines appear to be bent they are actually perfectly straight and actually parallel .
- 报告中令人称奇的观点是,从外部加强静脉弯曲或有助于缓解神经衰弱的问题。
- The idea that surgically straightening crooked veins could somehow benefit a degenerative nerve problem was astounding .
- 你看,镜头本身其实无法捕捉你的愤怒表情,你弯曲的眉毛,你偷偷捏你的孩子的样子,摄影师总是让你们你说“cheese!”
- You see , being photogenic doesn 't capture your expressions of anger , your crooked eyebrows , the pinch you snuck your toddler right before the photographer advised you to say " cheese ! "
- 拉直、弯曲、摧毁静脉的手术被称为venoplasty,这与心绞痛等心脏病的治疗方法是几乎一致的。
- The operation to straighten out and puff up crooked and collapsed veins , called venoplasty , is almost identical to cardiac angioplasty-a common treatment for diseased coronary arteries .
- 经历了曲折的发展历程之后,公共艺术修养课带给大学生的艺术气质和人文修养被人们所认识,并且深受欢迎。
- After the flexuous development , the lesson of public art culture has become much popular among the undergraduates because of the art temperament and personality culture .
- 那些小穗狭窄,具明显长,芒和具芒上面颖片。
- The spikelets are narrower , with obviously longer , flexuous awns and an awned upper glume .
- 卵圆形果圆筒状的到斜卵球形的或椭圆形到椭圆形;花丝曲折。
- Fruit cylindrical to oblique-ovoid or ellipsoid to ellipsoid-ovoid ; filaments flexuous .
- 导师们拉平你的学习曲线。
- Mentors flatten your learning curve .
- 从供应曲线上面跳下去吧!
- Go jump off a supply curve !
- 该曲线在上世纪60年代得到了广泛应用。
- The curve was widely used in the 1960s .
- 现在该轮到我们为他们服务了。
- Now it 's our turn to serve them .
- 今晚轮到我做晚饭了。
- My turn to cook supper tonight .
- 对待移民的态度转向保守,这并不让人惊讶。
- This illiberal turn in attitudes to migration is no surprise .
- 哪有人能弯腰弯那么低的
- How could anyone stoop so low ?
- 看守房屋的发颤,有力的屈身,推磨的稀少就止息,从窗户往外看的都昏暗;
- When the keepers of the house tremble , and the strong men stoop , when the grinders cease because they are few , and those looking through the windows grow dim ;
- 当他们赶到时,她费力地弯下腰表示感谢。
- When they arrived she struggled out to her stoop to say a blessing over them .
- 当光线照到角膜上,它要先弯曲,然后达到晶体,最后被聚焦到视网膜上。
- When light strikes the cornea , it bends before reaching the lens which then focuses it onto the retina .
- 氨基酸的一个长链弯曲,扭转,折叠成一个三维的蛋白质,它的形状决定了蛋白质的功能。
- A lengthy necklace of amino acids bends , twists and folds into a three-dimensional protein , whose shape determines the protein 's function .
- 很酷的凳子:看起来是熟悉的直线,坐下去后中间突然变得起伏弯曲,给你提供灵活和放松的座位。
- Cool bench with a familiar line which suddenly undulates and bends to propose a flexible and relaxed seating on half of its length .