- 尽管大爆炸发生于很久以前,但是其辐射仍在,因为来自宇宙大爆炸的光子弥漫于太空,构成了宇宙微波背景(见上图)。
- Although the big bang happened long ago , it 's still with us because photons from the universe 's hot birth pervade space and constitute the cosmic microwave background ( shown ) .
- 宇宙在一种神秘的“暗能量”的作用下,分崩离析,不断膨胀;这种暗能量虽然含量极微,却遍布宇宙各个角落。
- The universe is expanding , being thrust apart by some mysterious " dark energy " , minute traces of which pervade all space .
- 新的发现显示:遍布宇宙的尘埃和气体云团依靠磁力来凝缩,形成了恒星和其他各种不同的天体。
- New findings show that the giant clouds of dust and gas that pervade the universe , out of which form all of the stars and other assorted celestial bodies , depend on magnetism to condense .
- 这种对感受的敏锐应该弥漫整个过程,从基础性的用户体验到最后的ui设计。
- This sensitivity tofeelshould suffuse the whole endeavor , from the foundational user experience work to the final ui .
- 但是,即使clausewitz似乎把代数战争视为人类的一厢情愿,我们依然难以相信外交和战争中弥漫的激情会因此而消退。
- But even clausewitz appeared to view war-by-algebra as a largely artificial construct , doubting that diplomacy and war could be rid of the passions that suffuse competition .
- 如果他运气不好,可能会几个月痛苦地苟延残喘,而他衰竭的心脏无法给重要器官输送充足的氧合血。
- If he was unlucky , he might linger painfully for months while his lagging heart failed to suffuse his vital organs with sufficient oxygenated blood .
- 用面纱来装扮你的美丽新娘。
- Disguise the bride with a veil .
- 在过去的几年里更多的妇女们开始佩戴面纱。
- In the past few years more women have been wearing the veil .
- 实际上,这块布从来就是一块自我强加的面纱。
- In truth , that fabric was always a self-imposed veil .