- 这样一种中央执行的战略具有促进科技创新扩散的潜力。
- Such a centrally enforced strategy has the potential to promote innovation diffusion .
- 农作物保险和微观金融等金融创新正在促进新种子和肥料的传播使用,而期货市场为套期保值和价格发现提高了便利。
- Financial innovations such as crop insurance and microfinance are promoting the diffusion of new seeds and fertilisers , and futures markets are facilitating hedging and price discovery .
- 尽管印度的婚姻大部分还是以相同信仰为主,但是文化价值观念和社会经济传播的快速发展打开了异族通婚的大门。
- Although marriage in india is predominantly within the same religion , rapid changes in cultural values and socio-economic diffusion have opened the door to more mixed marriages .
- 场外交易的分散使人们实际上不可能追踪交易流量。
- The dispersion of otc transactions makes it virtually impossible to follow flows .
- 和其他重大的转变一样,经济力量散布到更广的范围内将同时带来挑战与机遇。
- Like any big shift , the dispersion of economic power presents challenges and opportunities .
- 基金组织认为近几年的市场低波动率可能得益于更为稳定的经济状况,央行可信度的提高或者金融体系风险的更好的分散。
- The fund suggests the low volatility of recent years may be owing to greater economic stability , improved central-bank credibility or the better dispersion of risks around the financial system .
- 但这可能会引起混乱。
- That might have generated confusion .
- 这会更加令你困惑不解。
- Your confusion would be even greater .
- 重点分层可以避免风格的混乱。
- Emphasis hierarchy avoids style confusion .