- 定期地放松管理压力。
- Relax regularly and manage stress .
- 试着在上床前放松。
- Try to relax before bed .
- 他要求欧盟放宽对于西班牙的严格减赤要求。
- He wants the eu to relax spain 's tough deficit targets .
- 他们会觉必须进一步放松调控。
- They will feel compelled to loosen further .
- 投资者原期待美联储出台更多定量宽松政策,以进一步放松货币政策。
- Investors had hoped for more quantitative easing to loosen monetary policy further .
- 另外你可以把醋倒在生锈的铰链和螺丝上使它们松动。
- And you can pour vinegar on rusted hinges and screws to loosen them up for removal .
- 面对如此之高的油价,一些小小的改变就可以节省一大笔开支,这就是为什么许多公司会在哥本哈根会议约束压力较强的情况下雄心勃勃地制定了一系列减排目标,而不是在约束放松的情况下。
- With oil prices so high , small changes can save a lot of money , which is why companies that adopted ambitious emissions-reduction targets around the time of copenhagen have tended to stiffen , not slacken , them .
- 因此对伊朗的挤压不会减缓暂时的让步通过减缓制裁或或是减少西方对延迟核计划的努力。
- So the squeeze on iran will not slacken in exchange for interim concessions-either through easing sanctions or by scaling back the western efforts to delay its nuclear programme .
- 今年,央行开始放松管制,让各银行在设定利率方面具备更大自由。
- This year , it has begun to slacken its grip by giving banks more freedom to set rates .
- 这意味着50,000美元的中档奔驰轿车将涨价至75,000美元。
- That means a mid-range $ 50,000 mercedes would now need to be priced at $ 75,000 .
- 迈巴赫就此安歇了,但奔驰并不会放弃超豪华汽车市场。
- With maybach put to rest , mercedes won 't be abandoning the ultra-luxury segment .
- 如果你喜欢奔驰,就只能乖乖掏钱。
- If you like mercedes , here 's what it will cost you .