- 他们不想伤害我们。
- They mean us no harm .
- 使大家免遭了伤害。
- And saved everybody from harm .
- 什么都不会伤害他们。
- Where nothing can harm them .
- 美国零售商表示,现有签证制度让美国在全球处于不利地位。
- Us retailers argue that the current system places the us at a global disadvantage .
- 然而,没有了资金支持,盖基将处在很不利的位置上。
- Without funding , though , ms. geikie will be at a big disadvantage .
- 网络营销已经减弱了几年来小企业面临大企业竞争时面对的不利因素。
- E-marketing has lessened the disadvantage that small businesses have faced for years when competing with larger businesses .
- 受害者对虐待有极度轻视的倾向。
- Victims tend to minimize the abuse .
- 滥用将会是一个问题。
- Abuse would be a further problem .
- 路德维希显然看到了虐待儿童的蛛丝马迹。
- Ludwig evidently sees evidence of child abuse .
- 这样可以减少诈骗,并为政府节省钱财。
- This cuts fraud and saves governments money .
- 欺诈和窃取的范围之大令人咋舌。
- The scale of theft and fraud is shocking .
- 他在为避免引渡到香港接受诈骗罪审判而斗争。
- He is fighting extradition to hong kong to face trial on fraud charges .
- 写下一个列表的利弊对每个可能的替代。
- Write down a list of pros and cons for each possible alternative .
- 但是,众多的利弊得失不应盲目的一个压倒另一个。
- But the various pros and cons should not blindly overwhelm one another .
- 奥巴马要求知道每一个备选方案的详细利弊,包括成本估计。
- The president sought detailed pros and cons for each option , including cost estimates .