- 王车易位是每个人在玩象棋时都应尽力走出的一步棋。
- Castling is a move that everyone should strive to make while playing chess .
- 布尔战争(boerwar)确实给他们带来一些厄运:英国人把我的一位曾祖当成布尔间谍关押起来,还把另一位曾祖送往位于锡兰的战俘集中营,他在那里度过战争的大部分时间,一边下棋一边与热带病作斗争。
- The boer war did cause some havoc : the british locked up one of my great-grandfathers as a boer spy , and sent another to a prison camp in ceylon , where he spent much of the war playing chess while dodging tropical diseases .
- 每逢下雪,哈桑和我经常整天坐在暖炉桌边,下棋或者打牌,主要是玩“番吉帕”。
- Hassan and I used to spend entire snowy days snug under the kursi , playing chess , cards -- mostly panjpar .