- 游人可以随着电动人行道的缓缓前行,透过玻璃罩看各个角度的海底生物游动情景,仿佛和鱼儿在同一个水域里,真是非常神奇。
- Visitors can with the electric sidewalk slowly forward through screens of different angles benthic swimming scene , and the fish seemed in the same waters , is very magical .
- 不过她经历的跟之前想像的差得很远,画面生动诠释了仪式化的施虐受虐狂与极端暴怒之间的差别。
- But her experience is far different from what she had imagined , and the scene graphically illustrates the difference between ritualized sadomasochism and violent anger .
- 自己的金牌得主布鲁斯.詹纳称,如今的情况有些不同了,在今天的e!秀中他谈论了如今的社会现状。
- S own gold medalist bruce jenner , who spoke about the social scene on today 's live from e ! Show , things are a little bit different these days .