- googlemoto将会制造出不可思议的手机吗?
- Will googlemoto make fantastic phones ?
- 这是一个极好的改善你生活的方式,因为你不会再对身边的世界感到愤怒。
- This is a fantastic way to live your life as you are no longer getting angry with the world around you .
- 我是指美国不可思议的事情之一就是事实上这种想法是有可能实现的。
- I mean one of the fantastic things about america is that that is in fact possible .
- 讽刺的是fechner设立这么数量庞大而又非常冷静的测量竟是为了一个异想天开的理由。
- The irony is that fechner set about this huge mountain of rather hard-headed measurements for quite whimsical reasons .
- 兄弟兼设计师罗伯莱克兄弟想出了一个绝妙的、令人兴奋的新方式来存储书籍和其他物体这是一个当代的异想天开的想法“云模块”。
- Brothers and designers ronan and erwan bouroullec came up with an ingenious and exciting new way to store books and other objects and it 's a contemporary twist on a whimsical idea-clouds .
- 大约二十五年前(作为一个长期投资的实例),我有一个异想天开的投资想法:卖一些廉价的土地并且种上硬木树。
- About twenty-five years ago ( as an example of long-term thinking ) , I had a whimsical investment idea : buy some cheap land and plant hardwood trees .