- 去和银色指挥官谈谈关于天灾石和怎么获得他们的事在我们再次谈话之前我需要大量的天灾石作为你履行义务的证明。
- Speak with argent officer garush for knowledge of scourgestones and how to obtain them -- I will need to see many of them as proof of your commitment before we speak again .
- 随后,被惊愕所淹没,由于完全地入迷,阿诸那毛发直竖,他开始双手合十,躬身顶礼,向主奎师那祈祷。
- Thereafter being overwhelmed with amazement , with his bodily hairs standing on end due to great ecstasy ; arjuna with his body offered obeisance unto lord krsna and began to speak with folded hands .
- 即使是想象一下让二十七个有各自不同的历史的欧洲国家以一个声音说话也是很困难的。
- It was always hard to envisage getting 27 european countries , each with its distinct history , to speak with a single voice .