- 希腊没有发布季度环比数据。
- It didn 't release quarterly figures .
- 今天发布的beta测试版将修正这些。
- Today 's beta release fixes all that .
- 这些人的身体释放的睾丸酮要少得多。
- Their bodies release far less testosterone .
- 陪审团作出了无罪裁定。
- The judge directed the jury to acquit all the defendants .
- 她受到电台采访,但表现得很差劲。
- She is interviewed on the radio but acquit herself rather badly .
- 本研究主要设计概念是以阿美族服饰配件上的图纹,加以创作设计在作品上,以表现出不同的风格。
- The main design conception of this study is using the totem of amis 's cloth and accessory to create arts , in order to acquit different styles .
- 但本条不得当作免除矿长须确保功率为9千瓦特或以下的工业装置只可在适当监督下使用的责任。
- Provided that this regulation shall not be deemed to exonerate the manager from responsibility for seeing that any plant of 9 kilowatts or less is used only under proper supervision .
- 如果经营人证明,核损害全部或部分地是由于遭受损害的人有意造成此种损害的行为或不为所引起,则有管辖权的法院可以全部或部分地免除经营人对该人的责任。
- If the operator proves that the nuclear damage resulted wholly or partially from an act or omission done with intent to cause damage by the individual who suffered the damage , the competent courts may exonerate the operator wholly or partially from his liability to such individual .
- 我想无罪释放是一回事。
- I think that it 's one thing to exonerate .
- 马利基让他们释放了被捕的迈赫迪军领导人。
- He has made them set free captured mahdi army leaders .
- 以后必须暂时释放他。
- After that he must be set free for a short time .
- 但是,只有四分之一的人希望霍多尔科夫斯基获得自由。
- But only a quarter would like to see mr khodorkovsky set free .